Fostering A Love for the Game

As parents and coaches, we all want to provide the best opportunities, support, and chance for success for our children and players.  Sometimes though, we may not even be aware of the small ways we may be contributing to them losing their love of the game.  Here are six key areas for parents to explore from an article published by sports journalist Asia Mape, the founder of I Love to Watch You Play.

  1. We Turn Every Game into a Judgement
    • When every game becomes a performance instead of an experience, kids lose the joy of just playing.
  2. We Micromanage Their Journey
    • Too many kids feel like passengers in their own sports journey—with parents and coaches at the wheel, mapping out their future before they even know what they want.
  3. We Overcorrect Instead of Letting Them Struggle
    • Sports are supposed to teach resilience. But too often, we don’t let them actually struggle.
  4. We Make Every Decision About the Future
    • Every time we shift their focus to what’s next, we pull them away from what’s now.
  5. We Make the Game Feel Like a Job
    • If the game feels like an obligation, joy disappears.
  6. We Forget That Our Role Is to Be Their Safe Space
    • No one in their sports world should love them less when they lose or more when they win.

While we reflect on ways our current behaviors and mindset may be affecting our athletes, it’s important to discover the best ways to support them so we can further foster their love for their sport. Read on as we dive into some important principles set forth by Mape to support your child as a sports parent.

  1. Remember the “Why”
    • Sometimes, we may find ourselves thinking “we’re doing this for college”, or “we’re doing this for recognition.” It’s important to remember the true gifts sports offer our children, like building individual confidence and life skills.
  2. What We Think is Support, Can Often Feel Like Pressure
    • As parents, it’s our job to ease the pressure of the sport, not add to it.
  3. Use These Three Questions to Guide Your Parenting Decisions
    • Is it age-appropriate?
    • Is it what my child wants?
    • Does it make sense for our family?
  4. Develop a Mindfulness Practice
    • Mindfulness can help to allow you to stay present, calm, and supportive during your child’s youth sports journey. By practicing mindfulness, you can develop the skills stay emotionally steady even in the heat of competition.
  5. Be a Positive Influence on the Sidelines
    • Lead others by example by being a calm and supportive presence on the sidelines.

Read more from I Love to Watch You Play at the links below.

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